1923 / 1925

Fransız sanatçı Augustin Lesage’ın 1923’te yaptığı ‘A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World’ adlı eserinden ilham alan Max Hattler’dan değişik bir animasyon denemesi. Yazının devamında göreceğiniz ikinci animasyon ise yine Augustin Lesage’ın 1925 yapımı aynı adı taşıyan eserinden.

1923 is one of two new animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist Augustin Lesage. 1923 is based on Lesage’s painting ‘A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World’ from 1923. The second loop, 1925, is based on Lesage’s painting ‘A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World’ from 1925.

1925 aka Hell (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.

A Symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World, 1923

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter