Adrian Brannan

Fotoğraf sanatçısı Adrian Brannan‘ın foto-kolajları. Haziran 2000’de Glasgow School of Art’tan mezun olan Brannan, birçok farklı yerin, farklı zamanda ve farklı yollarla yüzlerce veya binlerce fotoğrafını çekerek, bunları dijital ortamda değil, kendi karanlık odasında kolaj tekniğiyle yaratıyor.

Adrian Brannan graduated in June 2000 from the Glasgow School of Art, where he studied visual communication specialising in photography. The photographs are often taken from multiple locations with different film and processing techniques, at different times, and on different days. No digital processes are used at any stage of Adrian’s work, and the majority of photographs are printed in his own darkroom. Each work can be made up from as little as fifty, to as many as one thousand individual 35mm film photographs.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter