
Design42day from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.

Onur Şentürk’ten iyi işler gelmeye devam ediyor. Marcel Duchamp, Rem Koolhaas, Paul Rand, Oscar Wilde’dan alıntılar kullanarak bu sefer moda ve tasarım sitesi Design42day için yukarıdaki motion graphics işini tasarlamış. Tipografi İpek Torun’a, ses tasarımı ise Mert Kızılay’a ait.

Design42day asked Onur Şentürk to create a commercial and gave opportunity to produce this piece. He selected quotes from Marcel Duchamp, Rem Koolhaas, Paul Rand, Oscar Wilde and try to integrate in to motion while portraying feelings related to design. Typography is done by Ipek Torun and sound, music design done by Mert Kizilay.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter