Sandy Skoglund
63 yaşındaki Amerikalı fotoğrafçı Sandy Skoglund‘un sürreal ve enstalasyon ağırlıklı fotoğraf çalışmaları. 1970’den bu yana, kavramsal projeler üzerinde çalışmalar yapan Skoglund’un yukarıdaki “Radioactive Cats” çalışması en tanınan eserlerinden. Bazılarının üretim süreci aylarca süren dekorlar tasarlayıp bunları kullandığı modellerle birlikte kompoze etmesiyle kendine has bir tarz yaratan Skoglund, New Jersey Üniversitesi’nde fotoğraf ve çokluortam alanında eğitim veriyor.
It is unknown at this 1 / 6 of land, 63-year-old Sandy Skoglund long been recognized as a guru-photographs of relatives in the U.S.. It actively creates with the 1970’s, often exhibiting and constantly inventing something new. Surreal art Sandy combines installation and photography. Typically, it builds the scenery paints objects (which sometimes takes months), invites actors, and then photographed embodied in reality the fruit of his own imagination. One of the most famous works is considered Skoglund Radioactive Cats – Cats captured gray green kitchen, where the sadness at the table sat a man, while his wife was rummaging in the refrigerator. Now Sandy Skoglund teaches photography and multimedia art at the University of New Jersey.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter