Berger Paints "Man Space"

Avustralya’lı Berger Paints, evde kadınların kontrolü altında olmayan tek yer olan arka bahçeyi erkeklere adayarak, alışveriş merkezleri içine ‘Man Space’ adı verilen, erkeğin gerçekten evde hissedebileceği alanlar kurmuş. Yaratıcı ajansı Leo Burnett Melbourne.

Berger Paints came up with the insight that women are taking control of all the rooms in the house and there’s only the backyard that’s still a “man’s land”. To tell guys how important it is to have your own personnal space (and to paint it with Berger Paints by the way), Berger Paints installed “man space” in shopping centre. A place where men could really feel “at home”! Creative Agency: Leo Burnett Melbourne

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter