Diesel Island Constitution

Diesel’in Santo Londra imzalı ‘Diesel Adası’ kampanyasına son eklenen bu online spot Diesel Anayasası’nı Broadway müzikali tarzı ile anlatıyor. ‘Aptallık, özgürlüğün en iyi şekli’ fikri üzerinde yoğunlaşılmış anayasada ‘Baş belaları hapse gönderilmek yerine sanat okuluna gönderilmeli’ gibi-Diesel tarzına yaraşır-maddeler var. Bu kampanyadan sonra lanse edilecek ‘büyük final’ kampanyası ise bu sonbaharda.

As the latest addition to Diesel’s Diesel Island campaign by Santo London, this online spot tells how the Diesel Constitution was written – in all singing, Broadway musical style. Centered on the idea of stupidity being ‘the best form of freedom’, the Constitution contains such gems as ‘Troublemakers should not be sent to jail…but to art school’. Further rollout of the campaign – and a ‘grand finale’ for the Island – will appear this autumn.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter