Hueless Exhibition

‘Hueless’ isimli sergi hatırı sayılır birçok sokak sanatçısının katılımıyla 13 Nisan’a kadar New York’ta devam ediyor. Serginin ana konsepti renksiz -ya da monokrom dersek daha doğru olur- işlerin bir araya gelmesinden oluşuyor. Shephard Fairey, Faust, Katsu, Skullphone gibi sanatçının siyah-beyaz, gri, gümüş tonlarında hazırladıkları çalışmalardan oluşuyor.
Opening just over a month ago, Hueless is a “monochromatic exhibition” with some paradoxical diversity. It’s got black and white and grey, but also silver, cream, brown-black and pretty much every non-pigmented hue in between. With work from Shephard Fairey, Faust, Katsu, Skullphone, and others, the work under color-constraints was (thankfully) more unified than most group shows, and showed off medium/form (there was sculpture, a neon sign, screenprint, paper cut and painting) and content in color’s absence.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter