Invisible Mercedes

Mercedes’in 0.0 emisyon sayesinde tamamen çevrede görünmez olan yeni yakıt hücresi teknolojisi F-CELL’in tanıtımı için Jung von Matt/Elbe, Almanya mükemmel bir ambient fikri yaratmış. Arabanın bir yanına kamera koyup, diğer tarafını tamamen LEDle kaplamışlar. Bu sayede aracın LEDle kaplanmış olan tarafını görenler ekrana yansıtılan görüntü sayesinde aracı transparan görme şansını elde etmiş. Son zamanlarda gördüğüm en parlak fikir ve uygulama!

How do you promote the most innovative drive technology in the world? F-CELL hydrogen fuel cell technology. O.O emissions. That means it’s invisible to the environment. And to promote this feature instead of placing it squarely in front of everyone in the world, the company decided to make the car invisible. They covered the car with LEDs. A Canon 5D Mark II digital SLR camera on the other side of the car transmits the image of the LEDs. And on the LED screen, the message is appeared: “Invisible to the environment. F-CELL with O.O emissions.”

Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt/Elbe, Germany
Executive Creative Directors: Thimoteus Wagner, Fabian Frese, Götz Ulmer
Creative Directors: Micheal Ohanian, Jonas Keller, Martin Strutz
Art Direction: Jonas Keller
Copywirter: Michael Ohanian
Accounts: Sven Dörrenbächer, Sonja Stockmann, Kete Stodtmeister, Ann-Kathrin Geertz, Nelli Walker
Production Company: Markenfilm-Crossing
Designer: Daniel Soares
Idea: Michael Ohanian, Jonas Keller
Camera: Jakob Süß
Production: Martin Schön/Tina Rentzsch
Programming: Bettina Ackermann, Christopher Schultz
Director: Daniel Schmidt
Technic: Christopher Schultz, Bettina Ackermann

Credits via

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter