Levi’s Copper Jeans

BBH Singapur’un çalıştığı iki Levi’s uygulaması. Başlangıç olarak Avustralya’nın ünlü fotoğrafçılarından Andreas Smetana gerçek çekimler yapmış. Sonra ödüllü CG sanatçısı Meats Meier bakır heykel şeklinde bunları modellemiş.
BBH Singapore has created two print executions for Levi’s. They were first shot using real models by one of Australia’s top photographers, Andreas Smetana – after which their forms were used to create the life-like copper sculptures. The sculptures were created by the renowned award-winning CG artist Meats Meier, whose film credits include Hollywood blockbusters Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Hellboy.
A: BBH Singapore • EYY/ECD: Steve elrick • YY/CD: Todd Waldron • SY/AD: Paul Downs • RY/CW: Beth Ryan • F/P: Andreas SmetanaCG artist: Meats Meier

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter