Mc Donald's Yellow Cab

McDonald’s, beslenme alışkanlıkları Kuzey Amerika’dan oldukça farklı olan Hong Kong’da New York stili bir burgeri satışa sunmak için zekice bir yol izlemiş. Hong Kong’un kırmızı taksilerine karşı New York’un sarı taksilerini kullanarak yolculara ücretsiz hizmet verilmiş ve New York stili McDonald’s burger kuponu hediye edilmiş. Ücretsiz yol ve yemek kampanyası Hong Kong’luların beğenisini kazanmış olacak ki, kampanyanın başarısı sayesinde, New York stili burgerler Hong Kong’un en çok satılan burgeri arasına girmiş.

In Hong Kong, McDonald’s was setting up to launch its New York-style burger in Asia, a place where the eating habits are far different from those in North America. DDB Group, Hong Kong thought of a brilliant way to infuse New York City culture into the Asian community. The McDonald’s Yellow Cab campaign consisted of taxi cabs that were covered in yellow vinyl, much like the iconic taxis that roam the streets of New York. The traditional Hong Kong taxi cab is red, so it was definitely easy to spot a McDonald’s Yellow Cab. The taxis offered free rides to the nearest McDonald’s so consumers could try out the New York-style burger. The campaign was a huge success, and the burger became the fasting-selling burger at launch ever.

Agency: DDB Group Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Jeffry Gamblr
Creative Director/ Writer: Paul Chan
Creative Director/ Art Director: Ong Shi Ping
Art Director: Ciff Luk, Winnie Chan, Sum Leung
Agency Producer: Annie Tong, Alex Li

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter