MySpace ve Last.fm'e erişim engellendi! / MySpace and Last FM is banned in Turkey!

Eveet sayın internetseverler. İki kapatma haberiyle karşınızdayız. Sessiz toplumumuzun bazen ses çıkarıp, bazen de seslerini dinleyebildiği iki büyük oluşum (üstelik Türkçe) MySpace Last.fm an itibarıyla kapalı. Tabii siz DNS serverler, proxy ayarlarıyla göremiyorsunuz, o yüzden bunları bi’ kapatın ilk önce, sonra sitelere bakın, ağzınızdan hafif bir küfür patlatın, sonra da amaaaan zaten girebiliyorum deyip açın DNS’lerinizi.
Bu sefer konu ne Atatürk, ne de müstehcenlik. Konu büyük ihtimalle telif hakları. Ve ne idügü belirsiz MÜ-YAP, yine yaptığı yapacağını demekten başka diyecek bir şeyim yok. Ama tepkisiz kalacağımız da sanılmasın.

“Access to MySpace and Last.fm is banned by Turkish court. We are currently not fully informed about the reason of the ban, but it may be due to music copyright violations. And again, this ban may be a consequence of a case filed by Turkish Union of Music Producers (MÜYAP) in order to protect music rights. Turkish internet users can still reach both sites via OpenDNS. Also, you can reach last.fm by changing language settings to English, since the ban on last.fm is over the address lastfm.com.tr and only users with Turkish language selection are redirected. Just to remind, YouTube is banned in Turkey for over a year and the case hasn’t been able to be resolved between both parties since then.
We believe the “web site bans” have a big negative effect on Turkish economy while Turkey has 7th largest and most engaged online audience in Europe with its 27 million Internet users. As comScore stated in the report published in May 2009, internet users in Turkey spend more time online and consume more pages than users in other European countries.” English text is from Webrazzi

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