Orange Film to Go

Fallon İngiltere imzalı “Orange Film to Go” adını verdiği film indirme promosyon kampanyasını, yönetmen Chris Palmer’ın çektiği filmle başlatmış. Müşterilerine -her Perşembe- iTunes’tan ücretsiz bir film indirmek için davet gönderen Orange’ın bu kampanyası, TV spot, sinema, perakende, açıkhava, dijital, baskı ve mobil mecraları ile entegre bir kampanyanın parçası. “Film Night Live” adında haftalık güncellenecek bir mikro sitesi de olacak.

Fallon UK kicks off its promotion for Orange’s film download offering “Orange Film to Go” with a spot directed by Chris Palmer, centered around, what else, popcorn. The point is to drum up excitement around Orange’s new program that invites customers to download a free movie every Thursday off iTunes. The spot is part of an integrated campaign that features television, cinema, retail, outdoor, digital, print and mobile. There’s also a microsite which will feature the weekly “Film Night Live,” a 30-minute hosted online event featuring interviews, clips, contests and teaser trailers as a lead up tot he week’s free film download, all drawn together on various social channels.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter