True Blood 2. Sezon Kampanyası

harley_bannermini_banner.jpggillette_bannerTrue Blood dizisinin ikinci sezonu için Digital Kitchen tarafından hazırlanan açık hava örnekleri. Gerçek markalar vampirlere sesleniyor olsa ne olurdu sorusuna cevap veren bu işler, ses getirmek ve dizi hakkında buzz yaratmak amacını taşıyor.

How would real brands position themselves for a new undead demographic? Would it be cheating if super-powered vampires were in the Olympics? Do vampires need special dentists? The answers to these questions and others resulted in a campaign that brought world-class brands, athletes, lawyers, policemen, dentists, dog trainers, and the general public into Alan Ball’s True Blood universe. The two-word brief from HBO? Create buzz.


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