Andrea Berretta, 1983 yılında İtalya’nın kuzeyinde küçük bir kasaba olan Novi Ligure’da doğdu. Küçükken zamanının çoğunu çizim yaparak, Lego oynayarak ve arkadaşlarına hokkabazlık gösterileri yaparak geçiren Andrea, liseden sonra Cenova’daki tasarım eğitimini 2006 Temmuz’unda tamamlayıp, 2007’de serbest olarak çalışmaya karar verdi ve tasarım stüdyosu Pepper‘ı kurdu. İllüstrasyon ve grafik tasarım yapan Andrea, e-magazin Picame‘de editörlük yapmaya başladı. Doğayı, kitapları ve Batman filmlerini seven genç illüstratörün işlerini sitesinden takip edebilirsiniz.
Andrea Berretta was born on a cold, snowy day in early 1983 in Novi Ligure (a small town in the North of Italy). As a child he spent most of the time drawing, playing with Lego and performing tricks for his friends. After a bad choice of high school he enrolled in the Design University in Genoa graduating with honors in July 2006. In 2007, he chose to start a freelance career, creating Pepper <> and practicing the craft of illustration and graphic design. In the meanwhile time he met some promising young creatives and started some side projects, founding the e-magazine Pìcame <>  and becoming its editor in chief. He loves nature, books and movies about Batman. His distant future lies in the kitchen of a family-run bistro. For more works click here.

Founder of Elma+Alt+Shift, Creative Partner at Madam Martha UK, Blogger, Painter